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Individe: Content-addressed meshnetworking protocol

This page presents concept of Individe meshnetworking suite. This is only loose description of the idea and some initial implementation is discussed. Individe is currently in prototype stage and this type of meshnetwork fusion with IPFS is purely conceptual, but nonetheless interesting. Research and development is still ongoing and data is lacking.

1 Meshnetworks

obrazlozi u jedinicama sta su, sto su dobre, sto nisu, itd...

1.1 Usage

1.2 Problems

2 Fusion of IPFS and meshnetworks

u dvojici objasni kako ova fuzija doprinosi efikansim mesh sistemima i kako modu da rade nezavisno od IP protokola, ali i uz njega i gde bi se koristile, sela, turisticka mesta, daleke regije, sizaster slucajevi, itd...

2.1 Efficieny of content-addressed file system in mesh networks

One of main the problems with mesh networks is that bandwidth speed reduces significantly on each routing hop. That makes them quite inefficient on larger scale. In traditional networks participants are addressed using specific addresses, usually IP and MAC addresses, this is great, easy and efficient way for reaching content when the speed does not decrease on each hop and when you have infrastrucutre based on high speed optic cables. In meshnetworks, infrastructure is based both on cables and radio frequencies, but mainly on radio frequencies of mobile devices. This presents great problem for creating efficeint large scale meshnetworks without additional infrastructure. One way to solve this is to address content and not participants for content retrival. This makes it easier to reach it, since it can be retrieved from any source that has it and not just specific participant. This is where IPFS comes into play.

IPFS created amazing concept... blah blah blah, objasni ukratko

2.2 Content usage and distribution

Reaching content directly is great, but it's still inefficient if it is not near and request would end up having many hops, just like in the first isntance. But, since IPFS first chunks each file into many smaller pieces and gives them their own hash (address), it creates propability of different files having same chunks, therefore, their chunks having same address. The larger the network, the larger the number of collided chunks, meaning that in larger network with more distributed content, we will be able to retreive chunks from many sources, not just the ones that have requested content. Also, going by the assumption that certain percentage of content we receive and use comes from sources which are near us (messages, picutres of friends and families, memes, trending posts, videos, etc.), the network is even more roboust on large scale for certain percentage of users daily content needs.

2.3 Compatibility with current networking infrastructures

2.4 Serverless and distributed applications and communications

3 Architecure

u trojkama opisi komplet arhitekturu, wifi, batman itd

3.x scaling, long range, desnse areas, antennas, itd...

4 Ideal implementation (Individe Native)

individe from scratch, radio frequiencies, kademlia, kurci palci

predstavi adoption probleme

zasto bi ovo bio cool way to go, kao different protocol integrisan u uredjaje poput wifi, bt i sl